Fascia Stretch Therapy™ (FST)
...Set it free with Fst
Do you have pain or restricted mobility? How can you live the life that is meant for you if your body is not able to do what you really want it to do? Your mind, emotions and spirit are all lifted when your body is in the hands of the right practitioner. Professional athletes, first responders, and entire generations of families have changed the quality of their lives with Fascia Stretch Therapy™. So can you.
In the Stretch Industry:
FST is the Gold Standard
Fascia Stretch Therapy was created by Ann and Chris Frederick before there was a stretch industry. Through decades of hands-on experience, authoring books, providing relief and teaching thousands, as well as conducting their own research, the Fredericks established themselves as flexibility specialists and subject matter experts in mobility achieved through stretching. Their results with professional sports teams have proven the efficacy of the FST method.

"I have an old motorcycle injury and had trouble with my left leg in my whole life (lots of swelling and pain in my lower leg and ankle). Earlier this year I re-injured that leg and has been having trouble fully extending my knee on that side. Just after one FST session with Rita I was gaining back more range of motion in my knee and was feeling lighter in my steps for the next few days. I was also high on energy and had a feeling of euphoria the day of and after. Even my neighbours commented that it looks like I have a spring in my step compared to having a limp before. I highly recommend trying FST with Rita. She is a gifted healer."
Istvan, 80

The Fascia Stretch Therapy™ Difference
FST is distinct from traditional stretching because it decompresses, lengthens, and creates space in the fascia, thereby positively affecting all systems of the body, not just muscles. Not only does it result in pain reduction and movement restoration in the physical body, FST significantly improves sleep and reduces stress for a total mind and body impact. This is achieved in a session customized to your personal needs for immediate and long-lasting results
Learn more about the importance of caring for your fascia here.